Advanced New Car Prep featuring cQuartz Finest
This car was caught in the rain prior to drop-off, contributing to a somewhat soiled appearance upon first inspection that belied its mere 366-mile odometer reading:
It appeared that the dealer waxed the car (against the owner’s wishes), so it was foamed with a pressure lance to break down and remove any waxes, glazes, or other contaminants on the surface:
Following the wash, the car’s exhaust tips still showed signs of grime, so they were polished, and subsequently protected with CarPro DLUX:
Spot correction of a few minor defects was performed (no pics of this step), followed by a complete gloss-enhancing polish in order to prepare for coating with cQuartz Finest. Every part of the exterior was coated, including the lower portions of the rear splitter and the carbon flash fender vents to ensure optimal protection: